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About Us…

The Country Inn Family Restaurant was started in May of 1975 with one basic thought in mind; Treat people like FAMILY. Bill and Marilyn Linterman along with Irene Modahl came to Wenatchee in 1971, and invested all they had into Denny’s Restaurant to start their new adventure in the food industry. After four years of hard work and lots of learning on what Wenatchee families liked, They bought the Shakey’s Pizza in East Wenatchee and turned it into a Family style Restaurant that was founded on traditional Home Cooked Meals; better known as Comfort Foods. The Country Inn Family Restaurant changed with the times, expanding our menu as needed to adapt to Wenatchee’s Families. We are known for our Décor changes in the course of the year with menu themes; Hawaiian Days our first Event started in the early 80’s. Western Days came next, then Mardi Gras, Olympic Days and our latest one Pirate Days. Each one having different foods and décor, not to mention each change in the Holidays through the course of the year. We just wanted to have fun in serving Wenatchee’s Families. In the picture, to the left is Bill Linterman the founding father ( “Opa” ), Jeff Linterman the son of Bill and Marilyn Linterman the current owner operator, next Irene Modahl, Bill’s sister owner operator of Denny’s until the spring of 2018, Then Marilyn Linterman “ Oma “ ( Momma ) the glue of the family and the inspiration for our menu. As seen in this picture taken during our 40th anniversary celebration. One thing we know is God is good and He has blessed us all. Dad says to take care of family and the family will take care of you. Thank You Wenatchee Valley for so many good years, we look forward to many more!!

What The News Is Saying…


“So, as the owner and general manager of Country Inn, 620 Valley Mall Parkway in East Wenatchee, it just makes sense to him to treat his customers like family. That means doing whatever he can to make them feel welcome.”

— Wenatchee Valley Business World